UNDP supports production of 20,000 face masks in Aweil

Contracted tellers are preparing face masks at Aweil vocational training center, photo accredited(Voice News Agency)

  Government of  South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal  state in collaboration with UN agency for development, UNDP, have launched a “face mask” project that is intended to produce huge quantities which shall be used against the virus.

More than 30 tellers are contracted to produce the quantities for a one month time frame, after the deadlines all will be distributed to common citizens who will not afford to buy the masks.

Speaking to Voice News Agency on Wednesday, Emmett W. Watson, UNDP Field Coordinator in Aweil, said it is a role of the NGO to ensure that citizens are secure and treated.

The campaign is done to sensitize and empower local communities to use the masks in their daily lives and bear in mind that the using of the masks is not only for medical staffs as some people may express.

“Thank you for the opportunity, traditionally face masks are knew by health Practitioners in clinics and hospitals so because of that the demand is not too high.  However, since the COVID-19 pandemic the demand for face mask has increased,’’ said Watson in a statement.

The official disclosed that none of the masks is meant for sale purposes.The masks are produced under World Health Organization standards

The Kingdom of Netherlands has donated the money to UNDP which is now supporting the ongoing activities.  Similar programs is taking place in all ten states in the Republic of South Sudan.


  1. I believe it is good start, but what I know is that not none of the NBGS Aweil citizen is going is going to buy them. We heard that each bought at 200ssp. Though the price is so cheap, yet what I know is that no one will afford that amount since this state is starving. Secondly, the people are taking this sickness lightly because they believe that if was true, food would have been distributing at by the government as some other nations are doing their citizens.
    Malong Bak

  2. I appreciate and thanful to the commitment and hard work done by UNDP and Voice News Agency for its publishing efforts on new development in South Sudan, region and parts of the World-longlive in news reporting (VNA)


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