Over 40 youth attend dialogue on discrimination, hate speech in Aweil West County

youth participants  Nyamlel date 21-22,May 2020 credit(Voice News Agency)

NYAMLEL-More than forty youth have been trained on negative impacts of discrimination and hate speech between Thursday and Friday last week in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, in Aweil West County and following are few recommendations passed by the youth and vow to abide by them to solve any matters happening in their communities.

1-the youth have unanimously agreed to handle arising matters among them through peaceful means.

2-suspension of all forms and kinds of hate speech among local communities.

3-all youth in the area shall promote spirit of love and brotherhood

4-fighting against polygamy which causes disputes among local married-persons

5-supporting equality for all

6- Youth shall initiate a series football tournaments to strengthen peace and harmony among the grass root communities.  

Several youth who talked to Voice News Agency on the closure day(Friday) said are glad for having such training and are able to handle organize themselves and achieve goals that transform their communities positively.    

David Deng who was participating actively stated that the training will help them to ensure that challenges are addressed amicably, and to choose peaceful means in solving all problems.

Josephine Akech Lueth, a female attendant said they learnt all causes of discrimination and also learned to challenge the aspect among the communities.

 “We have learned the causes of discrimination, is making our community differentiate themselves   as we have learned the causes today and we want to find out what are the causes how we can stop discrimination,’’ she said. 

Joseph Deng, secretary general for defunct Gomjuer center now (Aweil West County) said there are many issues affecting the youth in the area. Job opportunities, low education and poverty are among the main challenges facing them.

On his part, William Deng Deng, the project manager for Recovery & Access to Commonly Best Optimism-South Sudan (RACBO-South Sudan) said the dialogue is meant to unite the youth in Nyamlel.

“The main agenda is to address the hate speech and discrimination. Why do youth in the same community use these among themselves,” said William in conclusion remarks.

He lastly recommended that similar conferences shall be conducted if partners release some money for the events.

The program is funded by Government of Sweden through United Nation Development Program (UNDP).


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