3. Speech no three: We have to struggle strategically, effectively and collectively….?
1. Boycotts persistently: by collectively and persistently
boycotting, we will have them exposed and this racist system will eventually be
weakened—and far to say it, you have left them on their own: you have cut them
by the tail! In persistence, this system you see, you will quickly see her
weakened, demoralized, overwhelmed and threatened. They will be in state of
defend whilst you are at the offensive site—they will quickly lost hope to use
us as their tools!
2. Using The Primacy Of International
Law: Let’s not be
fabricated by little persuasive language—by those who do it out of their
ulterior—let’s not allow those who have done an ugly ruin to our Country go
unpunished. Let’s not believe their wile-full propagandas as they attempt to
urge the people through the Media Houses calling for “total
reconciliation, peace and forgiveness”
as the ultimate solution for this public dilemma: no peace without justice
and human rights—don’t accept to lick those two bones: if they are not
yet behind our National bars (Cells) jailed, make sure that they shouldn’t escape to face justice. They
must return our public money those which they have stolen and deposited them in
foreign banks outside the Country. They must pay for the cause of the National
cruel plights of genocide against South Sudanese Families—who had lost their
lives in couple racial wars—provoked by this regime. They must pay for the
genocides committed in: Bor, Malakal, Wau, Yambio, Bentiu and Juba—where this
regime ordered the killing of these communities for no proper reasons.
3. If I am to ask these questions: Why would we wish others to be
calling us audible Nation while we are not capable to suit the National
a. Or how do you think that we can
deserve to be a Nation while you often mesmerize with the things those could ruin
our very Country perpetually?
b. Why do you panic to hold justice by
your own hands against the culprits whose aims are to destroy the potent of
your very lives and the lives of your next generations?
c. Why do you think that you will get
your economic freedom in your economical struggle while the hands of
lawlessness is supported hundred percent by you yourselves willingly?
d. Why are you so dull to understand and
believe that by you keeping silent—that it will continuously crack down your
Country and make the land an abode of poverty and loss of lives? Mark me well!!
Let’s be strong enough to chase the lion back to its cave as our African
proverbs wisely puts it—let’s end this African government of witchcraft!
4. Note to all girls across our Country:
My message to you
Salam Banat for girls, Juba girls for Nursery and primary school and to all the
rest of other girls’ schools across the Country. I am sorry to assertively say
this fact: that widowhood is standing right at your mothers’ doors! Do not be
surprise to know that this regime has made you widows before you could get
married to your potential spouses! It’s another factual chagrin! Because this
government of so-called SPLM/A of Salva Kiir has totally terminated the young
strong men—as this system used their lives as the strong tools for this regime
to continue in the power. And another similar epidemic trouble is: all men and
women of this Country are fearfully living in a totally threatened and
overwhelmed live—which affected their way of thinking and as result, it have
affected their emotional brains and blood—which I want to tell you that they
are scientifically disorganized! So as men go on fearing death fates all the
day long, they begin to produce more feminized semen in their sperms through
and through as result. And now the statistic stated that 90 per cent of the
children getting born in the hospitals across the Country nowadays are baby
girls—the male baby boys are only 10 per cent. So, we must jointly get rid of
this system—because it is making much mistakes—I advise you that you must join
in this noble war against this reckless regime and rid our Country of it.
5. Resign from this regime’s offices:
by resigning and walking away from your SPLM’s given jobs will indicate
that you have truly loathed this system—which will allow other Nations to
perceive and believe us as people with integrity—this will definitely also show
others globally how sad we are against this regime.
6. Quit this regime’s military service:
by quitting the military service, you have not only cut off its head,
but you have truly shown whom you really serve! And you have proved your
loyalty to your society—and above all, you mitigated your community’s
continuous poverty and the ongoing destructions. You have stopped losing of the
next generations caused by this failed regime of Salva Kiir and his privileged
elites. Never ever accept to be used against your own people who are struggling
for a noble task—the task of claiming our collective rights as people of this
Country—and that power must be shared and maintained through collective and
mutual consenting. Never accept to obey orders uttered from the mouth of these
kleptomaniac elites who have cracked down our Country using us for their
respective desires. And you as soldier, you are not supposed to die supporting
something else, but die for your Country—by defending your society—that is your
ultimate purpose! So I advise you to never ever accept orders from this system
and if you are still flirting with this system—that shows you are not true
nationalists—but fools used by fools! For why do you accept your Country to be
grabbed by hands of these opportunists? I am speaking the truth! Why would you
allow such crooked system to continue by you supporting it’s ‘move ahead
unknowingly?’ What is the benefit out of that? Don’t you see your communities
are quitting their residues for exile, only to live outside their homeland
because they felt unprotected—and left out to eat but morsels of shame and to
drink from the cup of humiliation in exiles? Shame on you!
7. Go on Striking: by striking with your “No slogans”
lifted, you will surly prove your uncompromised allegiance to your Country and
without doubt, you have depicted your sensibility as strong willed society!
Fear no one; don’t panic from any threats sued against you from this privileged
group who are using our public powers as their condoms to threaten us with!
Have strong mind and heart as one society to oust out such racial regime
without any compromising—and remember, God is following you, the world also is
following you as soon as you show your collective stand and courage—you will be
esteemed across the world by all peoples! The whole Nations are watching you,
in fact, they are surprised to why are this society silent while they are the
ones to whom this system or any system should fear! The people all over the
world are surprised as to why be the South Sudanese afraid from this tiniest
group of people who are dictating them tyrannically—what benefit are they
getting from being compelled to compromise Salva Kiir and his group? Why are
you allowing yourselves to diehard in the mean time when you can loudly voice
out your collective NO—and boldly claim total change? National Reformation
Movement is the body standing with you, I repeat again, God himself is with us
and the world’s well-wishers will be with you my people! You will attain your
earthly bliss if only you can walk out and jointly call off this racial system!
8. Pray and join us: by praying to God for total
change—you will surprise yourselves of what God is going to do when you also
join in this noble struggle for humanity. God will answer your heartily prayers
and His unfailing help will be a grantee—when a Believer prays to God to
intervene, such prayers honors Him—and allow Him to avail his power and shows
that we are God’s people. For if we avoid God’s adhesive help—and arrogantly
ignore his fatherly protections, is another big problem also. What we must know
as South Sudanese is that God was the one who supported our hands into attaining
this Country—so we should put him ahead again and trust him for giving us total
rest from such failed system.
9. Propagate and liaise to us: by propagating any unbecoming deeds
from this system and liaising to us all their threatening, misleading,
abduction and murdering this system is committing, will help the rest of the
world’s well-wishers to step in once they can see something presentable
portrayed. Know this, by you giving out those colluded information will make
you get unleashed from their total control. So you should not be silent at all.
10. Close down your Company: by you closing down your company,
you will see that this system will no longer hold on. Allow them not to
continue taking advantages of you in demanding you to pay them taxes as they if
are putting the collected taxes in the national development. Stop operating
under this failed regime which has hopelessly crushed economically with no
repair! Stay away from its kleptomaniac hands—for they are blind managers.
Don’t continue supporting it, but turn it down instead. For why do you still
trust it with your wealth while it has already ran bankrupted? Why wish you to
operate under this system while it has already declared its inability in
remedying the Country’s economic? I believe, if you continue running your
business under this regime, then maybe you are like them or not true investors
at all!
By: Malong Bak Malong: Chairman for NRISS; Email: Longbany2015@gmail.co
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